Bishop Barron
耶稣对门徒说,“不随同我的,就是反对我。” 今天的福音提醒我们要非常诚实清晰地回答这个问题。
Friends, today’s Gospel passage acclaims a centurion’s trust in the Lord Jesus. To trust is to have hope, to turn one’s heart to God. It means to root one’s life, to ground and center one’s concerns, in God. And oppositely, to trust and to turn one’s heart to human beings means to root the whole of one’s life, to ground and center one’s concerns, in the things of this world: in wealth, fame, power, honor, or pleasure.
What is the center of gravity of your life? What is your "ultimate concern"? The Bible consistently lays this out as an either/or. Think of the passage in the book of Joshua, when Joshua lays it on the line for the people of Israel: "Do you serve the Lord or some other gods?"
Jesus tells his followers, "Either you are with me or you are against me." Today’s Gospel reminds us that we each have to answer this question with great honesty and clarity.
Friends, the centerpiece of today’s Gospel is Jesus healing the hemorrhaging woman. Having a flow of blood for twelve years meant that anyone with whom she came in contact would be considered unclean. She couldn’t, in any meaningful sense, participate in the ordinary life of her society.
The woman touches Jesus—and how radical and dangerous an act this was, since it should have rendered him unclean. But so great is her faith that her touch, instead, renders her clean. Jesus effectively restores her to full participation in her community.
But what is perhaps most important is this: Jesus implicitly puts an end to the ritual code of the book of Leviticus. What he implies is that the identity of the new Israel, the Church, would not be through ritual behaviors but through imitation of him. Notice please how central this is in the New Testament. We hear elsewhere in the Gospels that Jesus declares all foods clean, and throughout the letters of Paul we hear a steady polemic against the Law. All of this is meant to show that Jesus is at the center of the new community.
Friends, in today’s Gospel, a man who appears willing to become Jesus’ disciple makes a reasonable request: "Lord, let me go first and bury my father." But the man receives a shocking rebuke from Jesus: "Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead."
What is more important than the mission? Nothing. Not even one of the most sacred and revered practices of our society: piety toward our dead relatives. Could you imagine a scenario in which you wouldn’t give permission to someone to attend his father’s or mother’s funeral?
I don’t want to soften Jesus’ words or explain them away or contextualize them. They are what they are, and they’re harsh, for the man in his own time and for us. But they compel us to make a decision: Are we finally about the things of God or about something else? Is religion and the mission attached to it substantial for us, or merely decorative?  
Now mind you, we don’t usually have to make such a terrible choice. Normally, our love for God and our love for family don’t come into conflict. But this is a sort of spiritual exercise, an experiment. What if it came down to God or my family? Whom would I choose?
Friends, today’s Gospel celebrates St. Thomas the Apostle. Why do we love this story of doubting Thomas so much? Perhaps because he is a saint especially suitable for our time. Modernity has been marked, from its beginning, by two great qualities: skepticism and empiricism, the very qualities we can discern in Thomas: "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe."
And I think a good amount of skepticism and "show-me" empiricism is called for in many situations and contexts. We shouldn’t be credulous, gullible, or naïve. Sometimes it is indeed good to wipe the slate clean, to clear out old cobwebs and intellectual humbugs, perhaps especially in the area of religion. Indeed, Catholicism has a very rich intellectual tradition, a tradition of questioning, wondering, and seeking understanding.
Yet when the risen Jesus reappears, this time in the presence of Thomas, he invites the doubter to look, to see, and to touch. Then that devastating line: "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."
朋友们,在今天的福音中我们读到奇迹缔造者耶稣治愈了两个着魔的人。无可否认,第一批基督徒对耶稣所行的奇迹颇感兴趣,而且他们并不把这些奇迹只看作文学象征。英国圣公会神学家N. T. Wright提出:如果不考虑人们对耶稣所行奇迹的着迷程度,我们是很难解释他当时为什么如此广受欢迎的。
Friends, in today’s Gospel we see Jesus, the miracle worker, healing two demoniacs. I think it’s hard to deny that the first Christians were intensely interested in the miracles of Jesus and that they didn’t see them as mere literary symbols. Anglican theologian N.T. Wright argues that it’s hard to explain the enormous popularity of Jesus apart from this fascination with his wonder-working.
Though God typically lets the universe run according to its natural rhythms and patterns, what is to prevent God from shaping it or influencing it occasionally in remarkable ways in order to signal his purpose and his presence?
For evidence of this, I would like to draw your attention to an extraordinary book. It bears the simple title Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, and it is written by the Protestant scholar Craig Keener. It is a truly exhaustive study of the theology and phenomenology of miracles, but the most surprising and exciting section of the book—at least for me—was his rehearsal of some of the literally millions of reports of miracles that come, even today, from every corner of the world. If you doubt God still works in the world today, pick up that book and think again.
朋友们,在今天的福音中耶稣治愈了一个瘫子,但在治愈他的瘫痪前首先赦免了他的罪过:”有人给他送来一个躺在床上的瘫子,耶稣一见他们的信心,就对瘫子说:“孩子,你放心!你的罪赦了。” 经师们在心里认为他说了亵渎神明的话,而耶稣读懂了他们的心思,于是说,“什么比较容易呢?是说:’你的罪赦了,或是说:起来行走吧?’” 在经师们无言以对之际,耶稣让瘫子拿起床回家去了。
Friends, in our Gospel today Jesus heals a paralytic, but not before first forgiving his sins: "People brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘Courage, child, your sins are forgiven.’" Jesus read the hearts of scribes who had decided he was blaspheming, and so he replied, "Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk?’" When no reply came, Jesus sent the man off home carrying his stretcher.
The story affirms that Jesus offers us forgiveness and healing. Even though we are sinners, even though we are hopeless in our hatred and stupidity, even though we had gone (and would still go today) to the limits of killing God’s own son, God still loves us; God still forgives us. We know that nothing can possibly separate us from the love of God because we hear in the greeting of the risen Jesus that any and every sin can be forgiven.
