Bishop Barron
Friends, today’s Gospel calls us to pray in Jesus’ name, making our prayer a way of life. Have you noticed that when we pray liturgically, officially, we always do so in the name of Jesus the Lord? This is because Jesus himself told us so: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.” When we pray in Jesus’ name, we are relying on his influence with the Father, trusting that the Father will listen to him.
It also is a way of naturally monitoring and shaping our prayers. When we pray “through Christ our Lord,” we are praying in the stance, attitude, and spirit of Jesus, deigning to want the sort of things that he wants. So we can pray, honestly and consistently, for justice, peace, forgiveness, and greater love, all in Jesus’ name.
Friends, today’s Gospel urges us to expect the Father to answer our prayers because he loves us. “On that day you will ask in my name, and I do not tell you that I will ask the Father for you. For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have come to believe that I came from God.”
Keep in mind that prayer is not designed so much to change God’s mind or to tell God something he doesn’t know. God isn’t like a big city boss or a reluctant pasha whom we have to persuade. He is, rather, the one who wants nothing other than to give us good things—though they might not always be what we want.
The entire point of religion is to make us humble before God and to open us to the path of love. Everything else is more or less a footnote. Liturgy, prayer, the precepts of the Church, the commandments, sacraments, sacramentals—all of it—are finally meant to conform us to the way of love. When they instead turn us away from that path, they have been undermined.
