Bishop Barron
Friends, in our Gospel Jesus came to Capernaum and entered the synagogue on a Sabbath, where he began to teach. Then it says that the "people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." The ordinary teachers would have appealed to their own teachers and authorities, and finally to Moses and the Torah, which were unassailable.
Now what would prevent the people from saying that he was just crazy? Well, watch what happens next. Into the synagogue there rushed a man with "an unclean spirit." And he knows who Jesus is: "I know who you are—the Holy One of God."
But then Jesus demonstrates his authority: "‘Quiet, come out of him!’ And the unclean spirit convulsed him with a loud cry and came out of him." The claim to God’s own authority is now ratified by showing power over the spiritual realm.
And now they—and we—have to make a decision. Are we with him or are we against him? If he is who he says he is and who he demonstrates himself to be, then we have to give our lives to him.
Friends, today’s Gospel shows Jesus driving the unclean spirit from the Gerasene demoniac. What we see here on vivid display is Jesus the miracle worker.
Modern thinkers tend to be wary of this dimension. For instance, Thomas Jefferson took a straight razor to the pages of the Gospels and cut out everything that smacked of the supernatural—miracles, exorcisms, and so on. The problem, of course, is that he had to make an absolute mess of Mark’s Gospel, which is positively chock-a-block with such things.
Jefferson’s contemporary, the great modern philosopher David Hume, wrote a powerfully influential text against miracles. He claimed that since the laws of nature were set, miracles were, strictly speaking, impossible. Accounts of them, he concluded, were the result of the foggy or wishful thinking of primitive people.
But though God typically lets the universe run according to its natural rhythms and patterns, what is to prevent God from shaping it and influencing it occasionally in remarkable ways, in order to signal his purpose and presence?
