|Bishop Barron
Friends, today the Gospel continues the account of the presentation of the Lord in the Temple. Why was the Temple so important for ancient Israel? In the Temple, divinity and humanity embraced, and the human race was brought back online with God.
There is more to the presentation story than the return of the Lord to his Temple, for he comes to his Temple precisely in human form, indeed in the form of a little baby. The Son of God, having taken to himself a human nature, is presented to the Father as a sacrifice, and thereby the human race is set right.
God himself is forming us in the right worship of God. Ponder the significance of that truth. This little baby is the reconciliation of divinity and humanity. He is the very essence of Temple worship.
Friends, today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. The Gospel presents the life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as a model for our families.

We spend a lot of time worrying about our family’s welfare. Will we have enough money to send the kids to the best schools? Will they find and establish a lucrative career? Will they fit into polite society?
But the only question that finally matters is: have they found their mission from God? The family is meant to be, as John Paul II described it, an ecclesiola, a little Church. And the Church’s purpose is to discern and foster the missions of its people.
What makes a family holy is its capacity to surrender itself to a higher goal, as in Aristotle’s definition of friendship. When the family turns in on itself, it devolves into dysfunction. "If you love someone, set them free," says the famous quotation attributed to American writer Richard Bach. The holy family is one that is free for God’s work.
