|Bishop Barron
Friends, in today’s Gospel passage Jesus speaks of the time when the plan of God will be fulfilled. Some philosophies defend a circular or cyclical understanding of time. They hold that time just continually circles back on itself, repeating like the cycles of the seasons. The modern philosopher Nietzsche spoke of the "eternal return of the same." That’s a mythic consciousness, and it can be found all over the world.
But the Jews had a very different sense of time, what we might call "linear." They felt that time was moving somewhere, that it had, under God’s direction, a purpose. The past was not simply there to be repeated endlessly; rather, the past was a preparation for a definitive future. It was an anticipation of what God would do, what God was going to accomplish.
“这个分析需要多长时间?”一名妇女曾这样问卡尔·荣格。“要随其自然。” 荣格回答。妊娠、生长、康复——这些过程中,最不应该做的是揠苗助长、强迫推进、根据我们的私人时间表来制定进度。
Friends, in today’s Gospel Jesus urges us to watch and pray as we await his coming again. In one sense, Christianity is a religion of fulfillment (the Lord has come), but in another sense, it is a religion of waiting, for we expect the second coming of Jesus in the fullness of his power.
We wait and watch and keep vigil. And this is difficult. But what we all know is that great things take time. For example, when a woman becomes pregnant, she has to wait nine long months before the baby is ready.
"How long does this analysis take?" a woman once asked Carl Jung. "Just as long as it takes," came the answer. Gestation, growth, healing—during any of these processes, the very worst thing one can do is to pick at it, to force it, to make it operate according to our private timetables.
That’s why Jesus calls us to "be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength…to stand before the Son of Man."
