原文|Bishop Barron
“神贫的人是有福的…” 你若不沉迷于追求物质财富的话,那该是多么幸运啊。耶稣以此告诉我们如何实现我们最深的渴望,即对天主的渴望。
Friends, today in the Beatitudes we hear a series of paradoxes, surprises, reversals. A topsy-turvy universe is being set aright. Let me propose a key for translating these Beatitudes. The word found in all of them is makarios, rendered "blessed" or "happy" or perhaps even "lucky."
"Blessed are the poor in spirit...." How lucky you are if you are not addicted to material things. Here Jesus is telling us here how to realize our deepest desire, which is the desire for God.
"Blessed are they who mourn...." We might interpret it this way: "How lucky are you if you are not addicted to good feelings." Doing the will of God sometimes involves the acceptance of enormous pain.
"Blessed are the meek...." One of the greatest seductions the world holds out to us is power. But what I ought to do is eschew worldly power, so that the power of the will of God might reign in me.
