BishopBarron| 这种力量高于生死
原文|Bishop Barron




Friends, in today's Gospel Jesus deals with our fears. What is the greatest fear that we have? Undoubtedly, the fear of losing our own lives; we fear the death of the body. Jesus is telling us not to worry about those paper tigers that can only affect the body and its goods.

All of the body's goods come to nothing compared to the supreme good of life with God. Therefore God alone should we truly fear—doing his will should be our exclusive concern.
Let me state this more positively. When I am in love with God, when I am "fearing" him above all things, I am rooted in a power that transcends space and time, a power that governs the universe in its entirety, a power that is greater than life and death.
More to it, this power knows me intimately and guides me according to his purposes: "Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid." Because of this I have nothing to fear from anything or anybody here below.
