原文|Bishop Barron
Friends, our Gospel shows us what Jesus wants his followers to be doing and how they ought do it. We are a missionary church. We are sent by the Lord to spread his word and do his work. The Gospel is just not something that we are meant to cling to for our own benefit; it is seed that we are meant to give away.
Prayer is not incidental to ministry. It is not decorative. It is the lifeblood of the Church's efforts. Without it, nothing will succeed; without it, no ministers will come forward. At all times pray, pray, pray.
Poverty and simplicity of life are prerequisites to the effective proclamation of the Gospel. Anthony, Benedict, Chrysostom, Francis and Clare, Dominic, Ignatius, Mother Teresa—across the board, the most effective proclaimers of the Gospel are those who rely on the providence of God and strip themselves of worldliness.
What is the first thing that the minister should do upon entering a city? "Cure the sick there." Christ is Soter, healer of both body and spirit. The second great task of the Church is to proclaim that "the reign of God is at hand." The Church is an announcing, proclaiming, evangelizing organism.
朋友们,耶稣把今天的福音总结为施舍是圣洁的关键。我曾经跟你们引用过众多圣人和教宗的一些关于施舍的激动人心的语录:教宗利奥十三世说:“一旦必要的和正当的生活需求得到满足,你口袋里的余钱都属于贫民的.” 圣金口若望说:“衣柜有两件衬衫的人,一件是他自己的,另一件则属于那个没有衬衫可穿的人。”
这正是为何两大诫命是如此紧紧相扣:“你应全心,全灵,全意,爱上主你的天主…你应当爱近人,如你自己。” 在爱着天主的过程中,你会与天主感同身受,而天主对贫民和被压迫者富有同情之心。对于恪守圣经的人,所需的理由无非就是上述的两大诫命。
Friends, Jesus concludes today's Gospel by prescribing giving alms as a key to holiness. I've quoted to you before some of the breathtaking remarks of saints and popes about almsgiving: Leo XIII says, "Once the demands of necessity and propriety have been met, the rest of your money belongs to the poor." John Chrysostom says, "The man who has two shirts in his closet, one belongs to him; the other belongs to the man who has no shirt."
The deepest root of all of this is in the prophets, who continually rail against those who are indifferent to the poor. The prophets teach us that compassion is key to biblical ethics, feeling the pain of others in our own hearts. We're not dealing with an abstract Aristotelian moral philosophy, but rather with something more visceral.
This is precisely why the two great commandments are so tightly linked: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart…and love your neighbor as yourself." In loving God you feel the feelings of God, and God is compassionate to the poor and oppressed. That's all the argument that a biblical person needs.
