原文|Bishop Barron
Friends, today's Gospel is the parable of the lamp, which placed on a lampstand gives light to all. Light obviously isn't for itself. Rather, we see things by it. It illuminates things upon which it shines.
We are light by which people around us come to see what is worth seeing. By the very quality and integrity of our lives, we shed light, illumining what is beautiful and revealing what is ugly. The clear implication is that without vibrant Christians the world is a much worse place. Let me illustrate this principle with an example. One of the most painful truths of the last century is that the weakness of Christian witness allows some of the worst elements in society to flourish.
Think of the rise of the evil powers that created WWII. Christianity had become so weak, so uncompelling, so attenuated that great evil was allowed to flourish. Yes indeed there were a handful of powerful Christian resisters, but let's face it: the overwhelmingly vast majority of Christians either supported Hitler or remained in silence, either out of fear or indifference.
Friends, the parable that Jesus tells in today's Gospel is one of the most unnerving, disturbing and confounding of all. We know the outline of the story well: a landowner goes out to hire workers for his field, hiring some first thing in the morning and then others at different times during the day. Then, at the close of work, he pays each the same wage.
I would like to offer two reflections on this puzzling story. First, we should remember that God's ways are not our ways. Does this story represent an undermining of justice? No, rather, a showing forth of the justice that flows from God's vision of things.
Here's a second perspective: We sinners are very susceptible to a reward-centered understanding of our relationship to God. Tit for tat. I do this; then you better do that. But this is very juvenile, very primitive.
We've been invited to work in the vineyard of the Lord. That is the greatest privilege imaginable, to participate in the Lord's work. Why are we fussing about rewards? And how liberating this is! I don't have to spend my life worrying and comparing. I can live.
Friends, today's Gospel gives us the parable of the sower. I want to say something about the seed that falls on the path, because it reveals an obstacle to our efforts at religious education.
One of the blocks of receiving the seed is lack of understanding, lack of education in the ways of the Spirit. Israel was the extensive and complex preparation for the reception of the Word. The fundamentals have to be in place before the word can be accepted. What a prophetic word to our time!
A recent study shows that Catholics are second only to Jews in the ineffectiveness of passing on their religious tradition and heritage. A recent poll concerning religious attitudes in America shows that most Americans favor a radical tolerance in regard to religious beliefs. It also shows that there was a shocking ignorance in regard to belief systems, dogmas, and the history of one's religion.
There's nothing in the world wrong with tolerance, but it can sometimes be a cover for indifference. One belief is as good as another. Do we accept that kind of thinking in regard to politics? Religious education programs are falling far behind what they should be.
