
原文|Bishop Barron
路加的措辞是多么坦率啊!看看他的第一端,其余各端与之相似:“你们贫穷的是有福的,因为天主的国是你们的。” 要是我们把这句话翻译成“如果你不沉迷于物欲之中,那是多么的幸运啊”,那么效果如何呢?若我们最关心的是物质上的东西,我们就会发现自己成了瘾君子。
Friends, our Gospel for today is St. Luke's version of the beatitudes, less well-known than Matthew's but actually punchier, more to the point. It all hinges on detachment, that decisively important spiritual attitude. Apatheia in the Greek fathers; indifferencia in Ignatius of Loyola. Spiritual detachment means that I am unattached to worldly values that become a substitute for the ultimate good of God.
How bluntly Luke's account puts things! Look at Luke's first beatitude, a model for the rest: "Blessed are you poor; the reign of God is yours." What if we translated this as "how lucky you are if you are not addicted to material things." When we place material things in the center of our concerns, we find ourselves caught in an addictive pattern.
Because material goods don't satisfy the hunger in my soul, I convince myself that I need more of them to gain contentment. So I strive and work to get more nice things—cars, homes, TV's, clothes—and then I find that those don't satisfy me. So I strive and strive, and the rhythm continues.
Therefore, how lucky I would be if I were poor, unattached to material goods, finally indifferent to them.
