
原文|Bishop Barron
若对方还是不听?那就告诉教会。当今,我们说的教会即教区神父和他的同事或者某些在教区内处于领导地位的家庭。若对方连教会都不听?那么上主建议我们始终保持同情心并坚持为对方祈祷:“将他看作外教人或税吏。” 但记住耶稣是如何以爱相待外教人和税吏的。最后,关于祈祷的妙语:“只要有两个或三个人,因我的名字聚集一起,我就在他们中间。” 跟一个或两个人一起为罪人的改邪归正而祈祷。
Friends, in today's Gospel Jesus tells us to speak directly to a person who has offended us. I know it is exceptionally difficult, but going to the person directly is both productive and spiritually up-lifting. It has at least a fighting chance of accomplishing something, and it confirms you in love.
Suppose the person blows you off, even lashes out at you. You are then encouraged to bring "one or two others" into the conversation. Perhaps the person will see the point and get over his defensiveness.
Now suppose he doesn't listen even to this group? Then tell your church. Today, we might say the pastor and his team or perhaps some of the leading families in the parish. Suppose he doesn't listen even to the church? Then the Lord recommends ongoing compassion and prayer: "treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector." But remember how Jesus relates in love to Gentiles and tax collectors. Finally, the wonderful word on prayer: "wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them." Pray together with one or two others for the conversion of a sinner.
Again and again in the Gospels, Jesus is portrayed as violating the sacred command to rest on the seventh day. For example, he often cures on the Sabbath, much to the dismay of the protectors of Jewish law.
And then in today’s Gospel, after his disciples pick grain on the Sabbath, Jesus declares himself “Lord of the Sabbath.” It’s hard to express how breathtaking this claim would be for a first-century Jew to make. Yahweh alone could be assigned the title “Lord of the Sabbath,” so what is Jesus implying?
In short, he is claiming that he is above their rituals, even perhaps the defining practice of pious Jews, because he is the Lord. Thus the rules must be placed in subordination to the kingdom of God, the kingdom that the Lord Jesus is ushering in even here and now.
Friends, today as we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Church gives us the very beginning of St. Matthew's Gospel. It is desperately important for Matthew to show that Jesus doesn't just appear out of the blue. Rather, he comes out of a rich, densely-textured history. St. Irenaeus tells us that the Incarnation had been taking place over a long period of time, God gradually accustoming himself to the human race.
Look at this long line of characters: saints, sinners, cheats, murderers, poets, kings, insiders and outsiders—all leading to the Christ. Of course King David is mentioned. He is, without doubt, a great figure, the king who unites the nation, defeats its enemies and establishes the first Israelite empire. But he is also, we know, an adulterer and a murderer, the one who abuses his power in order to eliminate Uriah the Hittite.
And finally the climactic entry that notes the virgin whose birthday we celebrate today: "Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Of her was born Jesus who is called the Messiah."
在很多方面,你生活中的其他一切都是次要、都是注脚。当主耶稣基督上了你的船,祂总会把你带到深处。正如圣若望·保禄二世很喜欢引用耶稣的这句话:“Duc in altum”(划到深处)。那是不是更危险?是。是不是更刺激?是。
Friends, today's Gospel gives us the story of the miraculous draught of fishes. In many ways, the whole of the spiritual life can be read off of this piece.
Without being invited, Jesus simply gets into the fisherman's boat. This is to insinuate himself in the most direct way into Simon's life. And without further ado, he begins to give orders, first asking Simon to put out from the shore and then to go out into the deep. This represents the invasion of grace. The single most important decision that you will ever make is this: Will you cooperate with Jesus once he decides to get into your boat?
In many ways, everything else in your life is secondary, is commentary. When the Lord Jesus Christ gets into your boat, he will always lead you to the depths. Duc in altum, as St. John Paul II loved to quote. More dangerous? Yes. More exciting? Yes.
Now mind you, the depths we're talking about here are spiritual depths. The excitement we're talking about is the true excitement that comes from spiritual transformation. The depths have nothing to do with what the world considers important or exciting.
Friends, in our Gospel we see Jesus in action. He is always hurrying from place to place, on the go. Today Luke gives us a sort of "day in the life" of Jesus. And it is quite a day! Our Gospel opens just after the dramatic expulsion of a demon in the Capernaum synagogue. And after entering the house of Simon, Jesus cures Peter's mother-in-law and then the entire town comes to his door. He spends the whole evening curing presumably hundreds who were variously afflicted.
In the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, in an attempt to make Jesus more palatable to rationalists and "realists," theologians put great stress on Jesus' preaching, especially his ethical teaching.
But this is not the Jesus that Luke presents. Rather, he is a healer. Soter, rendered in Latin as Salvator, which just means "the bearer of the salus" or health. Jesus is portrayed as a healer, a savior. In him, divinity and humanity have come together; in him, the divine life and divine power are breaking through. God's deepest intentions for his beloved creatures appears—what God plans for us in the Kingdom to come is now historically anticipated.
