
原文|Bishop Barron
Friends, in today's Gospel Jesus teaches in the synagogue at Capernaum. One of the things that he comes to do is to teach, for at the root of our troubles and our suffering is a powerful clouding of the mind. What is it like to be in the same room with Jesus? "The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes."
"Astonished" is a pretty strong word. But we have to understand the tenor of the time. When a Jewish rabbi would speak, he would reference his teacher—another rabbi—who in turn had learned from another rabbi and he by another and so on. Finally, appeal would be made, implicitly or otherwise, to Moses, who had received the word and commandments of God on Mt. Sinai.
What makes Jesus' teaching so striking—apart from the content, which is striking enough—is his manner of teaching. He doesn't appeal to Rabbi "so and so" and finally back to Moses. He teaches on his own authority. The Greek word here is instructive (exousia), meaning "from his own being". He moves through his public life, Chesterton said, like a lightning bolt.
Friends, in our Gospel for today Jesus reads from Isaiah a prophecy dealing with the Messianic transformation of the world. And then he declares it fulfilled, precisely in him. The audience initially is positive. And then we see why they are so favorable: "They also asked, 'Isn't this the son of Joseph?'" Undoubtedly, they are thinking: well, if this man is the Messiah, and he's a local boy, we will benefit enormously! As Tip O'Neill said, "all politics is local."
But Jesus commences to throw them for a loop. He invokes two uneasy stories from the Old Testament tradition, the first dealing with Elijah. During a drought Elijah is sent, not to an Israelite, but to a widow from Sidon, a foreigner. And the second deals with Elisha, who cleanses from leprosy, not an Israelite, but Naaman the Syrian.
At these key moments in its history, God attends to the needs of the other nations and not the needs of Israel. He is reminding them that Israel existed for the sake of the other nations.
