
原文|Bishop Barron
Friends, today's Gospel tells of the death of John the Baptist. Herod had arrested John, from whom Jesus had sought baptism, and put him to death. The arrest and death of John the Baptist were signals for Jesus.
Jesus immediately after the arrest withdraws to Galilee and then commences his own ministry of preaching and healing. Are these two events just coincidentally related? Hardly. Jesus read the arrest of John as a kind of signal that he was to begin.
We must remember that Jesus, like any Jew of his time, would have read the world through the lens of the Sacred Scriptures. They were the interpretive framework for everything. It was a commonplace of the prophets and the psalms and parts of the Torah that the era of the Messiah would be preceded by a time of tribulation, when the opponents of God would rise up to counter God's purposes.
Jesus saw this in the arrest of John. This great national figure, this prophet to Israel, was arrested and eventually killed by the enemies of God—and he took it as a signal that his own Messianic work should begin.

朋友们,今天我们纪念圣若翰·维雅纳,他是教区神父的模范和主保圣人。我们需要神父,因为没有他们,就没有圣餐;而没有圣餐,则没有教会。圣若望·保禄二世在其最后一道教宗通谕中十分清楚有力地声明了这一点:ecclesia de eucharistia(教会来自圣餐)。
Friends, today we honor St. John Vianney, the model and patron for diocesan priests. We need priests, for without priests there is no Eucharist, and without the Eucharist, there is no Church. St. John Paul II, in his final encyclical stated this as clearly and boldly as possible: ecclesia de eucharistia (the Church comes from the Eucharist).
Priests are the descendants of those first disciples who sat in intimacy with Jesus himself, watching him at close quarters, learning his mind and heart, summoned to work for the coming of the kingdom. Priests participate in Christ, precisely in his capacity as head and shepherd of his people.
Priests are called "father," for that is what they are. They give life in the spiritual order. Look to the example of St. John Vianney, who spent hours in the confessional and in the pulpit; to St. Maximilian Kolbe, who offered his life with the words, "I am a Catholic priest;" to Fr. Gary Graf, a Chicago priest who gave part of his own liver so that one of his parishioners might live. They do all of these things because they are spiritual fathers, life-givers in the spiritual order.
