
原文|Bishop Barron
朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣又提出了两个关于天国的比喻。第一个是“天国好像撒在海里的网…” 这是说天国将为我们而降临。这是天国在末日的意象,天主在世界末日作最后一次集合。何时是末日?我们不知道,但必须做好准备!而做好准备意味着服从天主的支配和统治。
Friends, in today's Gospel Jesus presents two more parables on the kingdom of heaven. In the first parable, we hear that "the kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea…." Here the kingdom of heaven is coming for us. This is an eschatological image of the kingdom, God's final rounding up of the world at the end of time. When will it come? We don't know. But we must be ready! And being ready means being in accord with the rule of God.
Then the second parable: "Every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old." Jesus knew that his ministry and teaching were, to a large extent, in continuity with what came before him.
At the same time, he knew that his preaching and person did represent something new and unprecedented. So, those learned in the kingdom of God love traditions, the heritage of faith. And those learned in the kingdom also know that the Spirit is doing new things. Therefore, we have to be open to what he might want to show us.
Friends, today Jesus offers two parables about the kingdom of heaven. Let's focus on the first one: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again…."
Sometimes God's love is found that way. There's the saying, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Sometimes in the course of our everyday lives, something happens that vividly and surprisingly summons us to union with God. We realize, in a flash, what it's all about. We weren't particularly looking for it, but it found us.
That's what Jesus is getting at today. As you walk through the fields of life, be open to the inrushing of grace, when you least expect it. And when it comes, give up anything that holds it back.
经典神学把恶定义为“privatio boni”,即善的丧失(译者注:善因被剥夺而丧失本性),意思是恶时时处处都寄生于善。正如寄生虫靠健康的身体存活(并因此使其体质衰弱)一样,精神上的恶寄生于善良的灵魂、美好的社会、虔诚的教会(并由此削弱这些良善)。
Friends, our Gospel today is the parable of the wheat and the weeds. God sows his good seed, his word, his love and compassion, but his project is met with opposition. And the evil is such that it insinuates itself right into the very fabric of the good.
In classical theology, we speak of evil as a privatio boni, a privation of the good, meaning that evil is always and everywhere parasitic on the good. Just as a parasite is living off of the healthy body (and thereby weakening it), so moral evil lives off of the good soul, the good society, the good Church (and thereby weakens them).
What is the result? That it is exceptionally difficult to extricate the evil from the good without damaging the good. That’s why it is extremely difficult—and often counter-productive—to go after these evils with a crusading spirit.
To be sure, there are certain evils that simply have to be addressed—right now, no questions, no hesitations. But there are other evils (and they really are evil) that are best left alone for the time being, lest more damage is done in the process of extricating them.
Friends, in our Gospel Jesus tells us that if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, we could uproot a mulberry tree and plant it in the sea. What is being communicated here is something simple: faith is power. When our lives are aligned to God we become the conduits of enormous power.
Attachments block us and break this flow. An attachment is anything you don't need but which you cannot live without. This idea is central to the spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola. What are the attachments that block the divine power from flowing through us? In most cases it is some form of wealth, pleasure, honor, or power.
Love what Jesus loved on the cross; and despise what he despised. This is the direction we get from St. Thomas Aquinas. Reorienting our priorities to align with Christ on the cross is the key to a spiritually successful life, and to the unleashing of divine power.
